Monday, February 12, 2007

I had forgotten about this picture that Jacob took when he was here. I'm standing in front of the movie poster in the Metro at Alesia. The roof curves up, which is why the angle is funny.

I also noticed the graffiti "Kari" on the poster. The French word for "graffiti artist" is "taggeur." Kari seems to be fairly prolific, as I have seen his/her work in a number of locations.

I spied an interesting comment last night on the Metro. Across three white Comedie-Francaise advertisements was written, "Sarko n'est pas le probleme. Il est le symptome." Meaning, "[Right wing candidate Nicolas Sarkozy] is not the problem. He is the symptom."
Laura bought a universal remote control today, so now we can watch TV again. We are pretty excited about that.

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