Thursday, September 13, 2007

More wisdom from Carol Channing:

So! One night in Vegas, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz brought Dietrich to the show. I prayed to do her accurately. That was before I found out the last person to know what your victim is like is the victim herself. There were seven boys doing me in Vegas at the time, all acting exactly alike, with not one tiny thing that resembled me, I felt. However, George Burns laughed his head off at them. All I could see on a couple of them was a five o'clock shadow, but how come they all assumed the same weird mannerisms? Then I knew anyone who knows what he himself acts like is totally phony and therefore a bloody bore.

It turns out Marlene Dietrich was very offended by Carol Channing's impersonation of her. But then that ended up being a good career move, because she got so much press out of it.

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